Catholics, people of all faiths, and people who care about climate change thanked Pope Francis for his encyclical and called for climate action by world leaders. The march included the arts, music, multi-faith leaders, scientists, and others. Faith communities worldwide showed solidarity by ringing their bells, chimes, gongs or sounding their shofars all over the world

Supporting Organizations

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Associazione Botteghe del Mondo Azione Cattolica Cardinal Tagle, Archdiocese of Manila Catholic Climate Covenant Catholic Earthcare Australia Coalizione italiana “Parigi 2015: mobilitiamoci per il clima” Comunità di Sant’Egidio Comuità latino americana Christian Life Community (International) Diocesi Roma Centro Franciscan Action Network Global Catholic Climate Movement Greenaccord Greenpeace Italian Buddhist Association Legambiente Link 2007 Marevivo Oxfam Pax Christi International Pax Christi Italia WWF